Monday, May 20, 2019

A House is Built of Walls and Beams, A Home is Built of Hopes and Dreams

I have grown up in a beautiful valley and in a wonderful town. Throughout the year when I walk outside I love to experience that sweet earthy smell of rain, the rich greens of vegetation turn vibrant against the cloudy grey sky, in the spring. The crunching of the yellow and orange autumn leaves under my feet, during the fall. The warm sun beating upon my face as I take a breath of the hot summer air. Then as the winter continues the snow crunches beneath me, step after step, as the cold air stings my nose, and through it all the sun is still radiates in the bright blue sky 300 days a year. Growing up in the Vail Valley I have found appreciation for beauty, no matter dead or alive, large or small, colorful or not, every single thing on this earth possesses a beauty, and it is our job to find it, but no need to prove it. Just as there is a unique beauty in everything we also see beauty in unique ways creating a connection in all, as everyone holds the desire to share what they view as beautiful. By viewing what others think of as beautiful your perspective can be changed, enriching how you view the world. I believe that is one of the great parts of traveling you are exposed to the views of others, you create connections that will last for a lifetime, and even if it is just for a second, when they tell you a story it seems as if you can see the world through their eyes.
When I was younger I had always heard that we lived in a bubble. As I was young I took this quite literally and wondered why I had never seen this “bubble” when driving around town. The thought of an actual bubble around our town now makes me laugh, as I realize now that this “bubble” referred to how our valley was protected from the world. While we still get bad news, and a bank robbery even happened just last week, it is nothing compared to big cities or other countries, where some people can’t even leave their own house without fear pricking at the corner of their minds. Due to this “bubble” one could say I have lived a sheltered life, and to that I would agree with, but through travel I have seen the world through my own eyes and not the media's eyes. The eyes of the media are blinded by breaking news and biases leaving the peace and the beauty of the world to be unseen. By living in our sheltered valley I believe that I may be considered “soft” sometimes by believing too much or by putting too much faith into something, or someone. However, without faith or trust you loose what makes you human, you lose your heart. Your brain can guide you logically, but it is your heart, filled with emotion, that will drive your determination and you perseverance, towards the goals you believe you will achieve. So, yes I could be considered “soft” but there is also a part of me that wants to see the best in everyone.
Finally, I live in a very supportive community. This support has lead me to believe that I can aspire to do anything I want. I see the stories of my classmates going to nationals for athletics, or academics and all doing very well. With there success there is also the support of our community behind them celebrating their accomplishments with them. Just by seeing this support it proves to me that no matter what one thinks they are never alone. However a dream, is just that unless you put in the work to achieve it. In this case it is not the town so much that has shaped my view but more so my parents. They have taught me that with work comes reward, though it may not be instant. They have told me that they admire my determination, but truly one learns from example and I am so fortunate to have such great examples teaching me through life, but letting me learn from personal failures as well. Since without failure there is no growth, and without growth there is little to no success.