Friday, November 10, 2017

A New Chapter

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right."-Anonymous 

     Hi, my name is Berkeley Kelly and this is my third trip with CGA, I have been to Nicaragua, Cambodia and I am excited to go to Tanzania this coming summer.  Currently, I am in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program (CAP), Speech and Debate, and hockey. I am delighted that I am given the opportunity to try something new this year, Speech and Debate will be a great experience. Also, I think that my hockey team is really strong this season and I am looking forward to this coming season. As for CAP I am weary on the program, I really want to become a pilot and CAP (being a cadet program), is very similar to the Air Force, I thought this would be a great way to get a head start on being a pilot, unfortunately our CAP squadron is fairly new and the meetings are inconsistent, my hope is to stick with it and become a pilot one day.  My mom and my dad are fairly concerned with me going on this trip, considering how much conflict there is in Africa, but I know that I will be safe. My brother, Declan, is 11 years old and is in 6th grade, which means he can go on a trip next year. I really hope he will go, I think it would be great for him.  I hope to share our experiences one day and talk about how they were similar and how they were different.      
     Last year in Cambodia I learned so much  about the history, what the Cambodian's went through, and also about who I was. My last trip was a huge turning point for me, I learned a lot about who I am and who I want to be. It brought to my attention to how much I second guess myself; I have grown from this and try to be more confident in my daily life. For example, this year I have felt that personally I have gained a lot of confidence, just this past weekend my hockey team played New Mexico, the best team in the league last year. I could remember last year, how I was so sacred and how they towered over me like giants, but I was able to be confident in my team and myself,  we beat them 2-1. Also, it showed me that whenever I am in doubt now I just remind myself of what I have learned, I look down at the bracelet that Srey Tom gave me, and take the risk, "... think of what could go right."
     Cambodia was such a life changing experience for me, which is why I am excited to be back with CGA and going to Tanzania. We will be teaching at L.O.A.M.O school in Arusha, Tanzania, I am excited to teach again, knowing that last year teaching was a challenge for me. I am excited to advance and learn new teaching strategies so I can improve my teaching skills, so that I can help out in the classroom. I am also really excited for the home visits, in Nicaragua it was so eye opening to see the living conditions, and to meet the families; I can't wait to meet new people and to make new friends. In all, I am very excited for the adventure that's awaiting me in the challenge of fundraising and the new experience in Tanzania.